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Still Talking!

The Two Gingers Story

Mar 1, 2022

Wynand de Vries - Simon Cranswick

What could be more unusual than two acquaintances from different ends of the spectrum becoming best mates?

One, a 55-year-old I.T. Executive, bald, fairly large English-speaking South African (Engelsman) and the other a 30-year-old builder with a rich Afrikaans culture (Boerseun).

Well for one, we both have a real sense of fun and humor to go with it and for two, we both love a good braai and a jol… Don’t we all?

However, it is the third commonality of belonging to a small genetic pool known as Gingers or Ranga’s (Orangutans) that really cemented our friendship.

Move on a couple of years to a holiday at Phinda Private Game Reserve in northern Kwa-Zulu Natal where our guide on a rainy afternoon game drive, Daniel Scott, pointed out the aroma in the air from a Curry-Bush plant.

This sparked the idea of making a Curry-Bush Gin – something that we are yet to do!

Well, it was obvious that we had to have “Ginger” in our brand name, so we came up with the Dutch word for Ginger being “Gember” and aptly named our artisanal plant in Muizenberg the Gember Distillery.

It then dawned on us that Gember might not be a memorable name that people will easily recount and remark on, so the concept of Two Gingers Gin was born.

We haven’t looked back since and, just under a year later, we have crafted and launched some super tasty gin that has oodles of flavour without having to add anything other than plain tonic water.

Yes you read this right, no garnishing and no flavoured tonic water required to experience a great GnT amongst friends.

To round-out the beginnings of our story, we really wanted to “let the Still do the Talking” so we hereby introduce you to our newly developed tag line for our brand which is:

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