Two Gingers Logo


Registration number 2021/500522/07


Gember Distillery is committed to respecting your privacy and we handle your personally identifiable information in a trustworthy and confidential manner at all times. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details on how we collect, use, store and protect your data. You can contact our Information Officer by referring to the complaints section if you have any objections about how your data has been handled.


POPIA (Protection of Personal Information Act) gives effect to Section 14 of the Constitution, the right to privacy, by protecting personal information and regulating the free flow and processing of personal information. POPIA sets minimum conditions which the company must comply with to ensure that all personal information is respected and protected.

What is personal information?

Information relating to an identifiable, living, natural person and where applicable, an identifiable, existing juristic person (as defined in POPIA).

Information we collect

We will only collect the information we require to fulfil our obligation to you. This may include names, contact and address details, order details and payment method/s.

We reserve the right to interrogate your information to ensure that you meet the minimum age requirements in terms of the Liquor Act.

How we use or disclose your information

We will only use your information for the purpose/s for which it was obtained from you, as well as for customer satisfaction surveys, market research surveys, statistical analysis and forecasting.

Your information will only be disclosed to internal departments or other suppliers in order to fulfil our obligation to you, as agreed. We have agreements in place with all external suppliers to ensure information privacy is respected.

Your information may be disclosed where we have a legal requirement to do so.

Storing and protecting your information

We will store your information for record-keeping purposes in a safe and responsible manner. We will review these practices on an ongoing basis to safeguard your data.

We have security policies in place with regards to handling of your information. These include:

  • Computer, network and server security
  • Staff screening and training
  • Secure communications and storage of information
  • Investigating potential security breaches

Access to information held

You have the right to enquire what information is held about you on our records. Please refer to our PAIA Manual available on this website or from our offices.

Changes to information held

If you wish to change or add to the personal data held, or to have your personal data removed from our records altogether, please contact us via email at or telephonically on 021 180 2852.


You may contact our Information Officer if you feel your data has been handled in an objectionable manner. Please refer to the PAIA manual available on this website or at our offices for the complaints procedure, form and fees.

Information Officer: Simon Cranswick (Founder and CEO)
Cell: 082 857 8885


Company Name: Gember Distillery (PTY) Limited
Registration Number: 2021/500522/07
VAT Registration Number: 4570299489
Physical Address: Unit 6 Platinum Park, 101 Capricorn Drive, Muizenberg, Cape Town, 7945
Postal Address: Unit 6 Platinum Park, 101 Capricorn Drive, Muizenberg, Cape Town, 7945
Telephone Number:
021 180 2852
Email – General Information only: